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Skandinavisk Impregneringsservice



Impregnation of concrete with CPES TM

Concrete is a very common construction material. It is strong, easy to mould into different shapes and lasts a long time. Concrete can stand high loads of pressure but has a low tensile strength. It is therefore reinforced with steel bars. The stress load can get much higher than the tensile strength of the concrete, which will cause small defects or cracks where the reinforcing bars [rebar] take up the load.

Defects in the concrete can also be caused by incorrect engineering, incorrect construction of forms, bad compacting and curing, bad or insufficient reinforcement and deterioration due to FREEZE-THAW DAMAGE.

Chlorides and carbonisation are the most usual reason for corrosion in the reinforcement and the resulting damages to the concrete. Too thin coatings, cracks in the concrete, high temperatures, high moisture content and oxygen will accelerate the rate of corrosion.

All national and international experience tells one that all outdoor concrete structures should have a surface protection. This way one will obtain an extended life and also a more aesthetic appearance. A qualitative surface protection is also a necessary protective measure when doing repairs. A surface protection should prevent water,
chlorides, oxygen and carbon dioxide from penetrating the concrete. We have the best technology for achieving this, and it has been proven by independent testing.

Impregnating concrete with CPES TM

Concrete deteriorates due to:
· Freeze-thaw damage
· Attack by chlorides
· Carbonisation

Impregnation should have the following properties in order to prevent deterioration.

· Sufficient mechanical and chemical resistance
· Reduction of water- and gas absorption

The graph shows the average percent volume loss of the test specimens due to freeze-thaw damage after 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 cycles of freezing and thawing. The Ref column on the far right is untreated concrete. The middle column, the one virtually zero, is treated with CPES. This test is one of five different tests done. The other tests
measured water- and vapour-diffusion, penetration of chlorides, the effect of carbonisation and the depth of penetration of the impregnation. CPES proved to be dramatically superior in each one of these tests.




Impregnation of concrete with CPES TM

CPES reduces water- and gas absorption.

A concrete surface that has been impregnated with CPES absorbs 95%
less water than an untreated surface.


A concrete surface that has been impregnated with CPES will release
moisture almost at the same rate as an untreated surface.

Areas of application:
· Wall surfaces on buildings
· Bridges
· Concrete ("washed aggregate") - cement, sandstone, bricks.



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